18 Nov 2013

Happy Monday Everbody...

"A long long time ago
  I can still remember how
  That music used to make me smile
  And I knew if I had my chance
  That I could make those people dance
  And maybe they'd be happy for a while"
~ Don McLean

+ ~ The Reborn Identity 

" The dog days are over
  The dog days are done
  The horses are coming
  So you better run"
       ~ Florence and Tha Machine


Awesome Monday Song  :)

2 Jun 2013

A bit of change in content...

When I'm alone and bored enough, I develop a feeling, that my thoughts could maybe be interesting for others. And if I look at the statistics of my blog, more people visits my site from the general public of the internet via google searches, than my friends and/or people who I know.
Sooo I've decided  that I will share my thoughts... anything that my mind creeps out... so hang on... and fell free to comment on anything you like/dislike.

And here's a soundtrack for this post:


I always envy those who doesn't struggle to do what's right...
Like my Ex, she was always able to do what was good for her, studying, finding a job, getting in the university with the perfect masters program.
I go day by day, working, and wasting time on bullshits, and when I finally get myself to do what is good for me in the long run, for example studying for my exams, I loose interest in about half an hour. And rapidly find something that is good for me at that very moment.

It took some time, but I finally realized what my problem is.
They say: The first step to a solution is the definition of the problem!
My biggest problem is the lack of willpower.
This epiphany or should we say discovery dawned on me when someone, suggested to me to check out this channel on youtube : Epipheo
While I was browsing this channel I came across this video, about Kelly McGonigal, author of, "The Willpower Instinct" and she pinpointed my problem so nicely.
Dividing the problem in to 3 parts.
I Will Power.
I Won't Power.
I Want Power.

Probably there isn't a man on this planet who can safely say that she/he has no problem with any of these...
I have a lot...

Since I found this book, I've downloaded the audiobook, and the e-book, and I'm trying to change, but it's frustrating, and very hard. One simple task would be to listen to this audiobook daily but I really can't get to do even that.

So this is a thing that I'm trying out, maybe if I wrote it down, and track it... maybe than I will have some results.

It's an idea, let's see if it works.

30 May 2013

The Unworthy Imperfections Of The Scientist's Pieces

I tried to be perfect, but nothing was worth it, I don’t believe it makes me real, I thought it’d be easy, but no one believes me, I meant all the things I said.

Sum 41 - Pieces

I was just guessing at numbers and figures, pulling the puzzles apart, questions of science, science and progress...

Coldplay - The Scientist

The Mashup: Coldplay vs. Sum 41 - Pieces of the Scientist 

19 May 2013

5 Songs...

"I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my system blow
Welcome to the new age, to the new age..."

Imagine Dragons - Radioactive

Music video - Imagine Dragons - Radioactive


Chinese Man  - Saudade


RJD2 - Ghostwriter


Gramatik - Just Jammin


"A 60 ton angel falls to the earth
A pile of old metal, a radiant blur
Scars in the country, the summer and her..."

Porcupine Tree - Trains

18 Mar 2013

Before you snap......................

Well... you clean up the dirt, there's just more dirt to clean up tomorrow...

Make the beds, they just have to be made tomorrow....

Wash the dishes, more to wash tomorrow.....

Make dinner, it gets eaten, doesn't it?

The world keeps growing, and you feed it. But it doesn't feed you, does it?

But... how much can you take? How much can you take before you snap?
How much can you take?
How much can you take?

Lying on your bed, looking at the ceiling, waiting for something to happen.
And knowing all the time that you were meant for something better. Feeling it. Wanting it.
But... how much can you take? How much can you take? How much can you take before you snap?
How much can you take before you snap?
How much can you take before you snap?

Nos... felpucolod a mocskot, holnapra csak több mocsok lesz amit felpucolni...

Megveted az ágyakat, holnap újra meg kell vetni őket....

Elmosod az edényeket, holnapra több lesz amit elmosni..... 

Ebédet készítesz, megevődik, ugye?

A világ csak nő, és te eteted. De a világ nem etet téged, ugye?

De... mennyit bírsz el? Mennyit bírsz el mielőtt bekattansz?
Mennyit bírsz el?
Mennyit bírsz el?

Fekszel az ágyadon, bámulsz a plafonra, várod hogy valami történjen.
És mindvégig tudod, hogy valami jobbra rendeltettél. Érzed. Akarod.
De... mennyit bírsz el? Mennyit bírsz el? Mennyit bírsz el mielőtt bekattansz?
Mennyit bírsz el mielőtt bekattansz?
Mennyit bírsz el mielőtt bekattansz?

Találkozni kell Istennel. Meg akarok tőle kérdeni egyet-mást. Például azt, hogy mi végre vagyunk.
Mert hát fölépítjük a házainkat, felneveljük a gyerekeinket, learatjuk a búzát, háborúskodunk, öljük egymást.
Aztán mi végre? Meg hát az én életemről is ki akarom kérdeni. Az igazságot akarom megtudni.

10 Feb 2013

The Original... The Remix and The Cover... # 2

A better title for this post would be:

The Original, The Remix and The Cover of the Remix...

And the genres are, R&B, DnB and some more DnB ... :)

The Original:

Aloe Blacc - I Need A Dollar

The Remix:

Deekline & Ed Solo - I Need A Dollar

The Cover of the Remix:
(or rather the second edition of the remix)

Deekline & Ed Solo feat. Darrison - English Queens

21 Jan 2013

Is daar enige breinlose musiek onder die ewenaar dit is Die Antwoord


Létezik agyatlan zene az egyenlítő alatt ez a Die Antwoord.

A nagy együttesek saját zsanrát alakítanak ki saját maguknak, nem tudom mennyire lehet ezt a bandát nagynak nevezni, de különlegesnek biztos, és nem ismerek még egy együttest ebben a műfajban, rap-rave.
Először az izé.hu-n ismertem meg őket, "bünti" kategóriában, de igazság szerinte eléggé bulizhatós muzsikát nyomnak a gyerekek...
ja és a dél afrikaiak... :P

Na de beszéljenek a dalok helyettem :)

Elsőnek egy elég durva klippel felszerelt bulihimnusz hangzású I fink you friki... :P

Die Antwoord - I FINK U FREEKY

Másodiknak a jelenlegi slágerük lady gagaval fertőzőtt videója következik:

Die Antwoord - Fatty Boom Boom

a türelmetlenek ugorjanak a második perc elé

végezetül egy ars poetica hangvételű, komerszebbecske, fogyasztható sláger, a zEnter the ninja...

Die Antwoors - Enter the Ninja

és egy bónusz az igazi fanoknak.